Johan Svensson


Shares: 3,335,000 (through company)

Born 1985
Board member since September 2010

Other current positions

Founder and board member of BetHard Group Ltd, board member in Gameday Group Ltd and Akterbog Ltd

Positions over the past five years:

Johan Svensson is one of Raketech’s founders and was the CEO of Raketech Group Holding PLC until 2017 when he was appointed Chief Commercial Officer (until 2019). After a few years with focus on M&A, business integrations, and as Chief Commercial Officer he assumed once again the role as Acting CEO in 2024. Mr. Svensson is also the founder and board member of BetHard Group Ltd, board member in Gameday Group Ltd and Akterbog Ltd.


Upper secondary education, Af Chapman Gymnasiet Karlskrona

Independent in relation to the company/major shareholders:

No / Yes