October 24, 2024 – Raketech Group Holding Plc (Nasdaq: RAKE) the iGaming performance marketing partner has appointed its nominating committee.
November 20, 2023 – Raketech Group Holding Plc (Nasdaq: RAKE) the iGaming performance marketing partner has appointed its nominating committee.
In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, a principal nomination committee ahead of the next Annual General Meeting taking place in May 2023 has been appointed. The nomination committee includes representatives from four of Raketech’s largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board.
The Nomination Committee in Raketech has proposed Clare Boynton and Pierre Cadena to be elected as new Board members at the Annual General Meeting on May 17, 2022.
In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, a principal nomination committee ahead of the next Annual General Meeting taking place in May 2022 has been appointed. The nomination committee includes representatives from four of Raketech’s largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board.
In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, a principal
nomination committee ahead of the next Annual General Meeting taking place in
May 2020 has been appointed. The nomination committee remains unchanged and
includes representatives from four of Raketech’s largest shareholders and the
Chairman of the Board.
I enlighet med årsstämmans beslut har valberedningen inför Raketechs årsstämma i
maj 2020 utsetts. Valberedningens sammansättning är densamma som föregående år
och består av representanter från de största aktieägarna samt styrelsens
Following the decision of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), Raketech has
appointed a principal nomination committee ahead of the next Annual General
Meeting in May 2019. The nomination committee includes representatives from the
largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board.
I enlighet med senaste årsstämmans beslut har valberedningen inför Raketechs
årsstämma i maj 2019 utsetts. Valberedningen består av representanter från de
största aktieägarna samt styrelsens ordförande.