Year-end report 2020

 QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO ”The foundation laid out during 2019 proved to serve Raketech well during 2020. Not only did we manage to deliver four stable quarters in terms…

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Interim report Q3 2020

QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO ”The third quarter of 2020 was yet another operationally productive and stable quarter where we managed to deliver strong results despite tough and volatile macro…

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Raketech enters the US market through acquisition of American Gambler

Raketech, the iGaming performance marketing partner, today delivered on an important milestone on the company’s strategy by announcing its acquisition of the US based organic affiliation marketing assets (“American Gambler”). As a result of the acquisition, Raketech’s revenues within the US are expected to reach approximately 5-10 percent of the group’s total revenues, already in Q4 of this year.

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Interim report Q2 2020

QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO “The strong operational development for Raketech
continued during the second quarter of 2020 with several initiatives launched
and improved, resulting in a stable product portfolio performance for the
quarter. Q2 revenues amounted to 7.0m EUR compared to 5.7m EUR the same quarter
previous year, representing a growth of 24.1%. EBITDA margin amounted to 40.2%
compared to 51.1% previous year as an expected effect of the Lead Republik
revenues having slightly lower margin as well as our efforts within geographical
expansion – in line with our strategic goals.”

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Interim report Q2 2020

QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO “The strong operational development for Raketech
continued during the second quarter of 2020 with several initiatives launched
and improved, resulting in a stable product portfolio performance for the
quarter. Q2 revenues amounted to 7.0m EUR compared to 5.7m EUR the same quarter
previous year, representing a growth of 24.1%. EBITDA margin amounted to 40.2%
compared to 51.1% previous year as an expected effect of the Lead Republik
revenues having slightly lower margin as well as our efforts within geographical
expansion – in line with our strategic goals.”

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Interim report Q1 2020

QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO “The first quarter of 2020 can be summarised as a
stable operational and financial quarter for Raketech. In general, our product
portfolio performed as expected and we continued to deliver on our strategic
operational goals. Q1 revenues amounted to EUR 6.5m and EBITDA to EUR 2.6m.
Compared to the previous quarter this equals a growth in revenues of 11.9% and
compared to last year revenues increased with 1.4%.”

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Interim report Q1 2020

QUOTE FROM OSKAR MÜHLBACH, CEO “The first quarter of 2020 can be summarised as a
stable operational and financial quarter for Raketech. In general, our product
portfolio performed as expected and we continued to deliver on our strategic
operational goals. Q1 revenues amounted to EUR 6.5m and EBITDA to EUR 2.6m.
Compared to the previous quarter this equals a growth in revenues of 11.9% and
compared to last year revenues increased with 1.4%.”

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Information about the COVID-19 impact on Raketech

Raketech, the iGaming performance marketing partner, monitors the development of
the COVID-19 virus and its potential effects on its industry closely. So far,
the strategies as how to handle the outbreak have been different from country to
country which makes the situation somewhat hard to predict. Raketech do not
anticipate substantial negative effects on the iGaming industry in the long
term, even though sports betting revenues most likely will be affected
negatively during 2020 due to the many cancelled sports events. Q1 2020 is so
far delivering revenues in line with expectations with January and February
amounting to approximately EUR 4.0m in total. During March, Raketech expect to
deliver revenues in line with the two previous months, excluding revenues from
the newly acquired Lead Republik Ltd.

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Information om påverkan från COVID-19 på Raketech

Raketech, ett performance marketing-företag inom iGaming, följer utvecklingen av
COVID-19-viruset och dess potentiella effekter på iGaming-branschen noga.
Hittills har strategierna för hur utbrottet hanterats varierat från land till
land, vilket gör situationen svår att förutse. Raketech förväntar sig inte några
större negativa effekter på iGaming-branschen på lång sikt, även om intäkterna
från betting med största sannolikhet kommer att påverkas negativt under 2020 på
grund av de många inställda idrottsevenemangen. Det första kvartalet 2020 har
hittills levererat intäkter enligt förväntan med en total omsättning för januari
och februari om cirka 4,0 miljoner EUR. Under mars räknar Raketech med att
leverera intäkter i linje med de två föregående månaderna, exklusive intäkter
från det nyförvärvade Lead Republik Ltd.

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Bokslutskommuniké 2019

FJÄRDE KVARTALET 2019 Totala intäkter uppgick till 5,8 (7,6) miljoner EUR, vilket motsvarar en minskning med 23,3%. NDCs (New Depositing Customers) uppgick till 28 002 (35 948). Justerad EBITDA uppgick…

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